And tokyo story are about everyday life and family relationships , therefore imitation of realism is a major concern for him 野良犬-此片是一个十分有趣的侦探故事,拍摄手法一流,娱乐性亦不弱。
Tokyo story and many of his other works so extensively and incomparably that you can trace a pattern there , and his decision of using the technique is not merely based on aesthetic consideration but rather combines it with the thematic elements precisely , it is definitely not inappropriate to consider him as an auteur 如果你细心留意的话,会发觉除了导演一职外,他通常都兼任故事编剧监制剪接等数职,堪称全面的电影制作人auteur ,亦由于此原因,他对每作品都有话事和控制权,出来的电影自然更能表现他想表现的效果,个人风格得而完全保留。
tokyo: n. 东京〔日本首都〕。 Tokyo Bay 东京湾〔日 ...story: n. =storey. love story in tokyo: 突然发生的爱情故事tokyo love story: 东爱; 东京爱的故事; 东京爱情故事; 京情故事; 情故事tokyo university story: 东京大学物语tokyo: n. 东京〔日本首都〕。 Tokyo Bay 东京湾〔日本〕。 tokyo-to: 东京都a story: 一个故事it’s a story!: 这不是真的story: n. 斯托里〔姓氏〕。 n. 1.故事,传说,传奇,轶事;小说;历史,沿革。 2.传记,履历,来历,阅历,经历。 3.对某事的描述,叙述。 4.内情,真情,情况。 5.〔口语〕假话,谎话。 6.(剧等的)情节;电影故事,原作。 7.〔美新闻〕特写。 the stories of the revolutionary martyrs 革命烈士的故事。 His story is by no means convincing. 他讲的话丝毫不足令人相信。 All tell the same story. 大家异口同声地那么讲。 But that is another story. 但那是另外一个问题,那是题外的话。 It is another story now. 现在情形不同了。 I know her story. 我知道她的经历。 It's a story.='Tis a story. 〔口语〕这是假话。 idle stories 傻话,糊涂话。 as the story goes 据传,据说。 be in a [one, the same] story 众口一词。 make up the story 虚构,捏造。 tell on's [its] own story 讲自己的身世〔本身表明,不言而喻〕。 tell stories 编故事;说谎。 the (same) old story 老一套;陈词滥调;陈规旧习。 the same story over again 翻来覆去始终不改口的话〔不改变的情况〕。 The story goes [runs] that.... 据说。 the whole story 详情,一五一十,始末根由 ( So that's the whole story. 原来是这么一回事)。 to make a long story short 长话短说,总之,简单说来。 vt. 1.〔古语〕讲…的故事[历史];把…作为故事讲述。 2.用故事画装饰。 vi. 说假话。 Oh, you story! 哦,你说谎! He storied about his academic career and his professional career. 他编造了他的学历经历。 n. =storey. the story of: 少年闯世界,学习什么是恐惧; 学习什么是恐惧nishi-tokyo, tokyo: 西京市adachi, tokyo: 足立区akasaka, tokyo: 赤坂akiruno, tokyo: 秋留野市akishima, tokyo: 昭岛市; 昭市aoyama, tokyo: 北青山; 南青山arakawa, tokyo: 荒川区back to tokyo: 东京归来bank of tokyo: 东京银行captain tokyo: 东京队长chiyoda, tokyo: 千代田区clubdeep in tokyo: 事务局主催colorful tokyo: 万紫千红conman in tokyo: 中华赌侠